Committed to 2021

An expanded "New Years Resolution(s)" for the second year of the pandemic

Starting a new year without the usual celebrations that entail was strange. I feel like we have not left March 2020.

At the start of 2020, I had not fully outlined plans beyond attending a festival during the Summer.

When plans were cancelled (or postponed) due to the pandemic, I had great intentions to build software to help and potentially start a business. However, even these replacement plans were postponed so I could focus on my core commitments: family, friends and work.

This year I feel more positive about what I can commit to achieving.

Learn More

To start my list of commitments is Learn More, which was going to be Read More but reading does not imply long-term understanding.

This year I will commit to self-improvement through learning more about technological areas I have an interest in.

This commitment was also driven by my latest role. This role has required me to expand my existing knowledge and is an area that I believe to be always evolving.

Share More

Tying into the previous commitment, Learn More, my second commitment I am making is Share More.

I have always been an advocate for sharing my knowledge and empowering others.

Through the written medium like this blog, vocally through a podcast or visually through online tutorials; I will share what I have learned as we go through 2021.

Collaborate More

2020 was a year of isolation for many of us. While the start of the pandemic brought virtual pub quizzes and catch-ups over a video call, nothing has replaced face-to-face interaction for me.

While more possible in my new role and hopefully through new relationships, my last commitment in 2021 is to Collaborate More.

Nothing built well and lasting forevermore was built in isolation.

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